Termite reticulation systems
Termite reticulation systems were developed to allow the replenishment of termite treatments in concealed and inaccessible areas. Consequently, they provide a continuous and even distribution of the chemical in the soil.
These systems are used under concrete slabs and around the perimeter of buildings to prevent termites from entering.
Once a termite reticulation system has been installed it makes the renewal of a chemical treatment very easy. It has the major advantage of being quicker and cheaper when compared to traditional drill and inject methods.
Specializing in reticulation recharge we have the equipment to pump up all systems, from the average residential property to the largest of commercial buildings.
Pest Cure has partnered with the experts at Termite Reticulation Systems. They have over 25 years of experience in termite reticulation, development, installation, and chemical re-charging.
New Builds Termite Reticulation Systems
With new building practices the tendency is to use the whole of the block available. Zero lot boundaries are becoming more common. This means buildings are built right next to the building next door. There is only a tiny gap or no gap in between. It is therefore impossible to renew termite chemical perimeters once the neighbouring houses have been built.
The only way to replenish termite treatments is to use a termite reticulation system. This is installed when the house is built. Town houses and most units fall into this category. Only the front and back are free to renew a chemical perimeter treatment. Consequently the sides are left exposed to termite entry.
Property owners need to get regular termite inspections (annually) together with regular treatment replenishment.
Termite reticulation systems can be replenished with any termiticide registered for the purpose and approved by the manufacturer.
Typically replenishments are between three and five years depending on the termiticide and concentration used.
Do you have a termite reticulation system around your place?
There are thousands of commercial buildings and residential houses around Perth with termite reticulation systems installed. These were built in the late eighties and early nineties. Many property owners do not know that they are there.
Unfortunately, the service records of many of the installs were lost when the Pest Control firms that installed them were taken over by larger businesses.
If you think you may have a reticulation system around your place and need some advice just give us a call or send an email.
Things to check to see if you have a Reticulation system already
- To begin with, first, check your electricity meter box, there may be a sticker stating that a reticulation system has been installed.
- Look for a black box with a green lid around the perimeter of your house. There should be at least two. Next, open them up and see if there are pipes inside similar to the photo above.
- Also, you may have documentation of the termite reticulation system.
- As a rule, this may include details of the pipe runs together with the name, concentration, and volume of chemicals used.
Granny Flats need protection too…
Termite barriers are often forgotten around granny flats.
People are forced to deal with frequent termite infestations and expensive repairs as a result.
A Termite reticulation system can be installed quickly and easily around most granny flats.
They are the perfect solution for long-term termite management.