Pre-Construction Termite Systems
If you are building a new home or renovating an existing one, it is important that a pre-construction termite management system is installed.
Pest Cure recommends the use of the TERM-seal system and is a fully trained and accredited TERM-Seal installer.
TERM-seal provides a complete and versatile system for the long-term management of a property, providing high-quality treatments and termite barriers for pre-construction, renovations, and additions, keeping termites out of a building for a lifetime. TERM-seal products can also be used post-construction.
The TERM-seal technology incorporates bifenthrin into its products without any residual environmental or dermatological impact. Bifenthrin is an active termiticide that repels and kills termites but is safe for humans, animals, and the environment.
TERM-seal products include a range of sealants and perimeter systems that can provide combined termite and moisture protection. This enables two forms of protection in one application saving time and money in reducing the overall construction time.
Term-seal multi-purpose systems provide termite and moisture protection for step-downs, control joints, basements, and back-filled walls.
Term seal termite management systems offer the following advantages over other pre-construction systems:
- Integration and flexibility for all construction methods
- Combined termite and moisture protection
- Complies to Standard AS36601.1.2000
- Fully compliant with standard A.S./N.ZS.4347.6 Damp coursing
- Code Mark certified & APVMA registered
- 50 -year building lifetime product warranty
- 20-year product warranty for the multi-purpose system used for external joints and backfilled walls
- No chemical residue so safe for clients and the environment
- Cost competitive.
The components that make up TERM-seal termite barrier systems include:
- TERM-seal TWB (Tri-Layer Sheet Barrier)
- TERM-seal PRM Active (poly re-enforced membrane) cord & capping strip (Bearer & Joint ant capping)
- TERM-seal Multipurpose active (paintable polymer-based liquid for combined termite and moisture protection.
- TERM-seal penetration collars
- TERM-seal Ura Fen Adhesive
- TERM-seal Reo Band & Reo Sheet
- TERM-seal Prime Coat
Termite protection for any conceivable construction scenario
Collars are fitted to pipe penetrations in bathrooms, laundry, and kitchen areas to prevent termite entry via the gap between the concrete and the pipes. The flexible sealant between the collars and the pipe has been impregnated with termaticide so termites cannot enter. The repellent lasts for up to 50 years.
Termite reticulation systems are also an option for termite management at the pre-construction stage.
A combination of termite reticulation and TERM-seal often make the best solution for the long-term termite management problem of a project.